iTunes web links normally appear when you click a link in iTunes App Store or Music Store from your web browser. This irritates you especially when you don’t intend to open that web link as it will start playing music or downloading something you don’t want till you die. You wish you were able to prevent such web links from opening on your Mac or Windows computer. Here is how to stop iTunes web links from opening in iTunes on Mac and Windows PC.
To avoid such accidental web page openings on your Mac or Windows, you need to use an extension. This extension is compatible with Safari – the three most popular web browsers used by Mac users. I have used this extension on my computer to stop iTunes web links from opening automatically in iTunes. On Firefox and Chrome, you have to follow a workaround to prevent iTunes web links from launching.
How to Prevent iTunes Web Links from Launching iTunes
How to Stop iTunes Web Links from Opening in iTunes in Safari on Mac
You can use No More iTunes on your Mac; this free extension will prevent iTunes from loading web links while you are on an App Store page.
Step #1: First off, download No More iTunes extension on your Mac.
Note that NoMoreiTunes Safari extension has been there since 2010 prevention iTunes preview and App Store pages in Safari from launching iTunes.
Step #2: When the download process is over, click on the extension.
Step #3: Now you have to confirm the installation of extension; click Trust button.
That’s it!
Henceforth, whenever you launch App Store listing, iTunes will not launch automatically.
Are you using Chrome? Follow the method below:
How to Stop iTunes Web Links from Opening in iTunes in Chrome on Mac and Windows PC
Step #1: Open Chrome on Mac or Windows PC.
Step #2: Next, click on the three dots seen vertically at the upper right corner.
Step #3: Now, click Settings from the drop-down list.
Step #4: A dialog box will pop up; here, you are required to click on Advanced.
Step #5: A long list of toggles appears; you need to click on Content Settings from under Privacy and security.
Step #6: Next, click on JavaScript.
Step #7: Then click on Add button next to block, and after that type in in the Site field and click on Add button.
You have done it!
Now is the time to stop iTunes weblinks from appearing in iTunes on Firefox.
How to Stop iTunes Web Links from Opening in iTunes in Firefox
Step #1: Launch Firefox on your computer and type in about:config in the address bar. You must not leave space before and after a colon.
Firefox will warn you about invalidation of warranty. You can ignore this and click on ‘I accept the risk’.
Step #2: You will be landed on PreferenceName page with a search bar.
Step #3: Type in javascript.enabled in the search bar.
You can see Status, Type, and Value of this PreferenceName.
Step #4: Under the Value, double-click the ‘true’ to change it to ‘false’.
This will disable the javascript in your Firefox browser.
You can change the value from ‘false’ to ‘true’ by following the same process. Just don’t forget to double-click the entry.
Summing up…
The appearance of iTunes web links may not be a big issue for some, but those who are working with full concentration will surely lose temperament.
Also Read:
- How to Get App Store Back in iTunes
- How to Stop Autoplay Video in Safari for Mac
- How to Enable Dark Mode in YouTube in Chrome and Firefox on Mac or Windows PC
- How to Get Refund for iTunes and App Store Purchases
- How to Keep Mac Media Keys Fixed to iTunes in macOS High Sierra
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