How to Send Email from Google Home and Google Home Mini

In the growing world of smart speakers, Google has introduced the Google home to compete with its rival the Amazon Echo. This device is especially for those who solely trust upon the Google ecosystem.

The unique features like voice-control and search expertise have set it apart from other smart speakers on the market.

You will be surprised to know that now you can send email using Google Home just by commanding from your couch.

Let’s show you how you can use this feature and send email from Google Home and Google Home Mini.

Before starting off, you must know that Google Home does not come preloaded with this feature of sending email. But you can command it to send email via Google Home by using IFFTT.

It works in the same way as when you send text messages from Google Home. All you need to do is create necessary applet(s) for each contact or group of contacts in advance and send the message.

Repeat this process of creating applet(s) for each individual contact you want to message.

For sending email, you have to mention the subject line in advance and the email account where the message will be sent from. If you don’t get it till now, run through these steps to have a brief idea on how to send email from google home.


How to Send Email from Google Home and Google Home Mini

Configure IFTTT to Send Gmail from Google Home

How to Send Email from Google Home and Google Home Mini

IFFTTT is an app available in the Play Store. Download the app and open it.

Step 1: Login with your Google, email or Facebook account.

Step 2: Tap on the “My Applets” tab.

Step 3: Tap the “+” sign on the top right-hand side of the screen.

Step 4: Select the blue sign “+this”.

Step 5: Scroll down and select “Google Assistant”.

Step 6: From the options of text select “Say a phrase with a text ingredient”.

After this step, Google will ask what you would like to say while sending an email. This will be the phrase Google Home will recognize when you utter it.

Below we are citing an example by exchanging messages among our own email accounts. Hope it helps you understand better. Here, we’ve entered ‘Text Jayesh’.

You will be provided with two optional fields to input the variations of command. We’ve entered ‘Send an email to Jayesh’ for instance.

The final field will ask you to write a response that Google Home should say loudly after it has executed your request.

Now you need to pronounce it correctly. Dictate the message you want to send from Google Home and say the command: ‘Email Jayesh $’ or ‘Send an email to Jayesh and say $’.

Google will reply to your command if it has executed your task successfully. If you are satisfied with the response, tap the tick mark icon at the top of the screen.

Step 7: Tap on the blue “+that” sign.

Step 8: Scroll down and select Gmail. Another screen will open.

Step 9: From the options choose “Send an email” as your action.

The app will ask for permission to connect with your Gmail account. Allow it to connect and select which account you want to send mail from. On the following screen tap “Allow”.

Next comes the process of making entries of the recipient’s details and subject line. From the group of contacts, select one and create an applet. For group of contacts, 20 people are the max limit.

Add an email address for a single recipient in the field “To address”. To add multiple addresses for a group of contacts, separate each of their email with a comma.

If you want to send an email to a group of recipients but don’t want them to know about others’ personal details or email address, you can use the BCC field. To copy in contacts without hiding them, use the CC field.

The con which many people may find annoying is that you have to use the same subject line for each and every recipient while sending a Gmail message from Google Home.

You can put up something common and simple like ‘Email Sent via Google Home’ to enter in the Subject Line text field. If you leave the subject line blank, it may cause the mail to land into the recipient’s spam folder which might be overlooked easily.

After this whole process, tap the tick mark icon on the top right side of your screen.

The IFTTT will show the run-through of the applet(s) you have created. To disable it, toggle the button beside “Receive notifications when this Applet runs” and tap the “Finish” button. To make sure the applet is activated and working properly, tap the check now button.

Note: Do not give a pause while saying the Google home voice command. In this case, Google Home will not know what to do with what you’ve requested. For better precision, say the whole command at one shot and try to speak each word distinctly.

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