How to Turn On or Off Porch Lights Automatically at Sunset Using Wink

Turning porch lights on at sunset lights up the entrance of your house, and therefore, it becomes a routine for every person to switch on porch or veranda lights. But if you own a large house and walking up to the switch board is a task for you, you should think of an alternative that allows you to turn on and off porch lights automatically. With the help of Wink hub and smart bulbs, you can make this task a breeze. Here is how to turn on or Off porch lights automatically at sunset using Wink.

Similarly, you can turn off porch lights automatically at sunrise (why should you pay more electricity bill when you have natural light on daybreak). There are many tools available which can help you turn on and off porch lights automatically; but such machinery works on specific schedule and the sun rises and sets at different times throughout the year. Hence, the idea of setting a schedule to turn on porch lights automatically doesn’t work here. You should better install a technology that controls lights automatically sensing the effects of sunset and sunrise.

How to Turn On or Off Porch Lights Automatically at Sunset Using Wink

How to Turn On or Off Porch Lights Automatically at Sunset Using Wink

By using Moonlight feature of Wink app, you can turn on outdoor lights automatically at night. This facility is useful especially when somebody is living alone; when s/he comes home in the late evening, porch lights welcome the owner.

Step #1: First off, download Wink app on your Android or iOS device.

Step #2: Now launch the Wink app on your smartphone and open Menu from upper left corner.

Step #3: Next, you need to tap on ‘Light + Power’ option.

Step #4: Then, choose the ‘Services’ button from the list of Lights, Groups, Services from the top.

Step #5: You can see two boxes: HOME SITTER and MOONLIGHT. Tap Setup in MOONLIGHT box.

Step #6: The app will introduce Moonlight feature to you; read the introduction by swiping left on phone screen.

Step #7: When introduction is over, tap on GET STARTED button from the bottom of your phone’s screen.

Step #8: Here, you need to give Wink app permission to use location service on your mobile; this information is useful for Wink to know when sun goes down and when it rises. Then tap on ‘OK, GOT IT’ button.

Step #9: If you have already given location access to the app, use the radio button on right to choose it and then tap on ‘NEXT’ from the bottom. Otherwise, you need to type in your address by tapping on ‘New Location’.

Step #10: Now you need to choose the lights that can be controlled by Moonlight; tap Next button. We will choose Porch Light here.

Step #11: Time to choose when you want turn on porch lights automatically and turn the lights off. Apart from turning porch lights on and off at sunrise and sunset, you can also schedule the lights at midnight or 2:00 AM. Tap on ‘NEXT’ once you select the option.

Step #12: The Moonlight setup is successfully done. Now you can turn on and turn off outdoor lights automatically.

Also Check:

You can follow the same steps to make any changes in the lights of different parts of your house or office.

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