Once you take your Nintendo Switch to play games, it is hard to put it back. With so many entertaining games, Nintendo Switch has become a leader in gaming genre. Among some popular games, there are a few that allow users to play online. But the million-dollar question is: who to play with? Well, we have listed a few simple steps for you to find out when your friends are online on Nintendo Switch.
Floored, right? Yes, you can surely find out when your friends are online on Nintendo Switch. All you need to do is to enable Friend Notification feature on Nintendo Switch; this will help you find out friends who are online on Nintendo Switch. Later on, if you wish, you can disable Friend Notification feature on your Switch.
How to Find Out When Your Friends are Online on Nintendo Switch
Step #1: From the Home screen of Switch, choose System Settings.
Step #2: Scroll down and choose Notifications from side menu.
Step #3: Here, you need to choose Friend Notification.
Step #4: Next, you should choose a user for whom you wish to enable Friend Notifications.
Step #5: Now, choose Friend-Request Notifications to turn on.
Step #6: Choose Online Users.
Step #7: Choose the option of ‘Notify When Friends Go Online’.
Step #8: You can select All Friends, Best Friends, or None.
Step #9: Finally, hit the B button on controller to go back to previous screen.
Players can see a blue dot next to friends, who are online (this happens when Friend Notifications are enabled).
How to Disable Friend Notifications on Nintendo Switch
If you don’t want to throw challenge to your friends and want to enjoy the game alone, you can disable Friend Notifications on your Switch. Once your disable Friend Notifications, you won’t be able to know when your friends are online. However, they can always send a message requesting you to connect with them on Switch.
Step #1: First off, choose System Settings from the Home screen of Switch.
Step #2: Scroll down and choose Notifications from side menu.
Step #3: Next, choose Friend Notifications.
Step #4: Here, you need to choose a user for whom you wish to disable Friend Notifications.
Step #5: Choose Friend-Request Notification to turn off.
Step #6: Choose Online Users to turn off.
Step #7: Last, hit B button on controller to go back to previous screen.
That’s it!
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