Snapchat is arguably the best app young users like to use on their iPhone and Android phone. After a lot of exchanges of chat or conversations, you would like to delete your Snapchat conversations history on iPhone and Android. It has been noticed that Snapchat users erroneously send snaps or messages to some contacts. At this, they realize they could clear Snapchat conversation history on iPhone or Android.
You can delete Snapchat conversations history in two ways: 1) delete Snapchat conversations individually or 2) delete all conversations in a single attempt. We will cover both the methods to remove your Snapchat conversation history on iPhone and Android.
How to Clear or Delete Snapchat Conversations History on iPhone and Android
Step #1: Open Snapchat on your phone.
Step #2: Now tap on your profile icon or Snapchat icon (you will locate this on the left of the search bar).
Many users replace this Snapchat icon with their own customized Profile Picture. If you have created a personalized profile picture, you need to tap on that.
Step #3: Next, tap on the Settings icon (check that gear on the top right corner of your phone’s screen).
Step #4: On Settings screen, scroll down and tap on Clear Conversations under ACCOUNT ACTIONS section.
Step #5: You are now landed on a screen where you can see your contacts with whom you have made conversations. Next, to each contact, you can check Delete icon (x); tap on that delete icon if you want to delete Snapchat conversations individually.
Step #6: A dialog box appears on screen and asks you if you are sure to clear Snapchat conversation. Tap Clear button.
Step #7: If you wish to clear or delete conversations with all contacts mentioned on the screen, you should tap ‘Clear All’ option seen in the top right corner.
Again you will find a pop-up asking your confirmation to delete or clear all your feed.
Step #8: Tap on Clear Feed and all the conversations will be deleted.
Note that this action will not delete any saved or sent content. Moreover, while deleting Snapchat conversation history, you have to keep your iPhone or Android connected to Wi-Fi network or mobile data, otherwise, you won’t be able to delete Snapchat conversations history.
Snapchat app is tremendously popular among young smartphone users, who are impatient to send snaps and messages to their friends. Sometimes, they send messages that were not intended for a particular user. In this situation, they have to clear or delete Snapchat conversations history on iPhone and Android phone. Remember, Snapchat clears messages on its own, but it takes some time. This method will quickly clear your Snapchat conversations history.
Also Read:
- How to Pair and use Snapchat Spectacles with iPhone and Android
- How to reset Snapchat Spectacles
- How to Add GiF to Snapchat Stories on iPhone and Android
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