Tips on How to Use iPhone/iPad Mail App Like a Pro

Mail app on your iPhone or iPad can do wonders. There are multiple usages of a Mail app; you can control Preview, Swipe Options, Flag Style and more.

More and more people are using iPhone to manage their emails, and hence, some tricks are important to know to better use mail app on your iPhone.

How to Change Preview lines on iPhone

Your mail box shows many emails with sender’s name, subject line and some content of email. You can change this content, which is shown in different number of lines on your iOS device. You can choose from one to five lines.

Step #1. Open Settings app on your iOS device → Tap on Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

Under the entry of MAIL, you can see different options. The first one is Preview.

Step #2.Tap on Preview

On this screen, there are six different options including None.

Step #3. Choose any one you like.

Now you can go back to Mail box and check that all mails will be displayed according to your selection of lines.

How to Change Swipe Options on iPhone

In your mail box, you can manage your mails by swiping left and right. If you want to change these options, you can do it from Mail, Contacts, and Calendars on your iPhone.

This option allows you to change swipe effect from flagging your mails to Deleting, Moving, Marking as read and Archiving.

Step #1. Open Settings app on your iPhone

Under the entry of MAIL, you can see different options.

Step #2. Tap on Swipe Options

You can see a diagram screen of Swipe Options; this screen shows Swipe Left and Swipe Right option.

If you tap on Swipe Left, you will see four different options: None, Mark as Read, Flat, and Move Message.

If you tap on Swipe Right, you will see four options: None, Flag, Move Message, and Archive.

You can choose any option as per your convenience. If you choose none option in Swipe Options, there won’t be any effect of your swipe in Mail box.

How to Change Flag Style for Mail App in iPhone

This option will change the icon when you Flag any email from your mail box. You can choose either a color or a shape to show a flagged message.

Step #1. Open Settings app on your iPhone → Tap on Mail, Contacts, Calendars option.

Under the entry of MAIL, you can see different options.

Step #2. Tap on Flag Style (Under Swipe Options)

If you want to keep Color, tap on the first option; or tap on Shape, which is a second option. Now you can check your mail box to see the effects.

How to Enable ‘Ask Before Deleting’ in Mail App on iPhone

This option gives you a last chance to think whether you actually want to delete the mail or not. Please note that this feature works in ‘All Mail’ option in your Gmail.

Step #1. Open Settings app on your iPhone → Tap on Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

Under the Flag Style option, you can spot ‘Ask Before Deleting’ option.

Step #2. Toggle ‘Ask Before Deleting’ ON.

Step #3. Now Open Mail app on your iPhone

Under the Mailboxes section, you can find ACCOUNTS.

Step #4. Tap on Gmail under ACCOUNTS.

Step #5. Tap on All Mail.

Step #6. Tap on Edit on the top right corner of the screen.

Three options will appear at the bottom of your iPhone: Mark All, Move All and Trash All.

Step #7. Select mails you want to delete.

Once you select mails to trash, the options above will turn into Mark, Move and Trash.

Step #8. Tap on the Trash button.

A menu will swipe up with an option: Trash Message.

Step #9. Tap on Trash Message and the message will be deleted.

Try these tricks and tips and make the most of your Mail app on your iPhone. You can share your feedback and comments if any.

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