How to Get Google Pixel Live Earth Wallpapers on Android Phone

Each and every feature in the Pixel device is extraordinary. There is no match when it comes to its software interface. Google doesn’t take resort to any foreign sources and that’s why their features turn out to be the most unique of all. The exclusivity of those features for Pixel devices is what makes this smartphone more demanding. The case in point is Live Earth wallpapers. If you are not using Pixel device, you can get Google Pixel Live Earth wallpapers on Android phone.

The case is same when it comes to wallpaper. This time Google hasn’t laid out even on creating wallpapers. The term maybe wrong but they have created their own Live Wallpapers which have gone viral in a short span of time. Just like those other astonishing features, people are searching for the Live Earth images for their smartphones. If you are among them, follow the steps below and discover how to install Google Pixel Phone Live Wallpapers APK on Android Phone.

How to Get Google Pixel Live Earth Wallpapers on Android Phone

Before we get started, ensure that your device is running Android 6.0 or higher.

Step #1: Download the Live earth wallpapers APK from the embedded link. The size of the APK is around 80MB.

Step #2: Once the APK is downloaded, install it. Have some patience while the application is being installed. Since it is large in size, it will definitely take up some time as it contains all the library files and high resolution wallpapers.

Step #3: Navigate to your home screen. Long press on any empty space for the options to arrive below. Choose “Wallpapers” from there.

Step #4: Choose the image of your choice and tap on “Set wallpaper”.

Now you have successfully set live wallpapers which are available exclusively on Pixel devices. The wallpapers will look vibrant and you will be surprised by the resolution and the details it carry. Though setting live wallpapers drain your battery faster, do use it with caution. Hope this article has been helpful for you.

Also Check: How to Get Google Pixel Motion Photos Feature on Any Android Phone.

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