Best AR Apps for iPhone and iPad in iOS 11: Augmented Reality Compatible Apps

RKit is a new framework Apple has introduced in its latest iOS 11. With this new feature, users can easily create unmatched augmented reality experiences on iPhone or iPad running iOS 11. But is your iOS device compatible with ARKit? Before you download best AR apps for iPhone and iPad, check your device’s compatibility with ARKit.

Best AR Apps for iPhone and iPad

How Do You Check iOS 11 ARKit Compatibility for Apps

It is pretty simple to check ARKit enabled apps on your iOS 11 device. If your iPhone or iPad uses A9, A10 and A11 chips, it is compatible with ARKit. For your convenience, we have provided a list of iOS devices compatible with ARKit.

Best AR Apps for iPhone and iPad in iOS 11

Now explore this list of top AR compatible apps and enjoy augmented reality on your device.

As of now, we have found nearly 50 ARKit enabled apps for iPhone and iPad. With the passage of time, more developers will come up and develop more apps compatible with iOS 11 ARKit framework. Till then download each app at a time and enjoy augmented reality.

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Do you know any app not listed in the list above? Share your feedback with us on FacebookTwitter and Google Plus.

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